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A Brief History of Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day

The history of Thanksgiving dates back to the settlers of what is now New England. The Pilgrims who settled the Plymouth colony in 1620 brought with them a tradition of thanksgiving.

Thanksgiving proclamations originated in the early Republic

At first, the colonists celebrated thanksgiving on what is now Thanksgiving Day, which was the fourth of November.

This was changed in colonial times to the third of Thanksgiving Month, which fell between October and November. The colonists designated the fourth day after Thanksgiving as a day for rest and relaxation.

Thanksgiving (United States)

The first Thanksgiving festival was held in Massachusetts, not long after the colonists settled the New England area. The settlers turned thanksgiving into a more national holiday by displaying a complicated thanksgiving harvest.

The Pilgrims were careful not to celebrate the day with anything remotely religious in nature. They returned home from their hazardous journeys carrying with them, among other things, part of their harvest.

This was given to the poor during the annual thanksgiving festival. At the time, thanksgiving was not viewed as a religious festival but as a good time to share food and gifts.

Thanksgiving Meaning, History, & Facts

The second Thanksgiving festival took place at the Wampanoag Indians' Pequot Island. A special thanksgiving feast was held there every year on the anniversary of the arrival of the Pilgrims.

At the feast, the natives opened their sacred chests to show respect for the Pilgrims and Native Americans by not displaying the white man's possessions. For the first time in its history, turquoise was used to decorate the chests. This was later to become a big influence on the development of the tradition of Thanksgiving.

The third and final Thanksgiving festival took place at the Massachusetts colony itself. At the colony's annual thanksgiving celebrations, which were conducted by the colonial governor, local native Americans would give thanks to God and fellow colonists by feasting upon the annual harvest produced by the colony's many industries.

The Brutal, Dark History Behind the Origins of Thanksgiving

This feast, the largest of the year, was also the final celebration of the harvest for the entire colony. As the colony's last big get-together, local native Americans threw feast festivities all over Massachusetts. They celebrated the long and hard years that the English settlers had spent in the area.

Because the colonists were mostly from Britain or Germany, the British government wasn't interested in granting freedom to these tribes. Many colonies, however, did allow native people to hold on to their tribal customs and practices for ceremonial purposes.

How many instalments are there? Thanksgiving's actual history is a violent one, and some individuals believe it is past time to abolish the celebration altogether.

Revolutionary War

By the time the Revolutionary War broke out in 1660, many of these tribes had already been established as a part of the New England colony. At this time, they were known as New England Indians. When the colonists established a form of government in Massachusetts, these tribes were allowed to continue their customs, such as Thanksgiving feasts.

This is what you might call the history of Thanksgiving. Over three hundred years, this holiday has played an important role in the history of America. In the early days, thanksgiving was just an annual festival with lots of parties and feasting. Today, it has taken on a more sombre look.

Thanksgiving is about food and not just roast turkey, it is also about tradition and history.

Image text: "A Brief History of Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving Day".

A Brief History of Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving is one of those holidays which we celebrate with great fondness.

Thanksgiving is a national observance usually celebrated on different dates throughout the US, Canada, Grenada, Saint Lucia, and Mauritius.

It was started as a commemoration of thanksgiving for the blessings of the past year and of the harvest. In addition to that, similar-named international holiday holidays take place in Germany and Japan.

Thanksgiving celebrations are most commonly connected with the feast day of thanksgiving known as a thanksgiving day.

The main reason behind the emergence of this custom is the harvest. Thanksgiving is based on the Pilgrims' journey to Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620.

The settlers there planted the first American Thanksgiving Day in honour of their king and the settlers' association with the English. As a result of that, the whole nation became identified with the Pilgrims.

This is also the reason for the origin of national holiday celebrations; Thanksgiving Day is associated with the Pilgrims' journey and the spirit of thanksgiving spread across the US.

Thanksgiving became a national holiday

Thanksgiving is a very popular holiday observed in many parts of the world. A large number of Americans go on a tour to different places during thanksgiving week. During these tours, they parade and celebrate Pilgrims' Day.

The tradition of thanksgiving developed as soon as it was created. The main characteristics of thanksgiving are displayed in most countries all over the world.

Giving thanks

It started with the Pilgrims who were very thankful for all the fruits and gifts they received after crossing the Delaware River.

How is Thanksgiving celebrated?

Today, Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in different ways.

Some of them are:

  • eating foods they like,
  • reading books or magazines that were written by colonists,
  • playing games that have Thanksgiving themes,
  • watching a movie, and other similar activities.
  • Some do not celebrate Thanksgiving Day altogether at the same time but on different days.

However, this is not as widespread as the national holiday observed on the first week of November.

Harvest festival observed by the Pilgrims at Plymouth

When Americans celebrates Thanksgiving Day, they pay tribute to the Pilgrims and their noble way of living.

They also celebrate their heritage, their religion, and their national holiday. The second Monday of October is also recognized as a thanksgiving day in the United States. This is the time when Americans send their thanks to the nations and to the people.

How did Thanksgiving start?

Many of the traditions we observe today started with the Pilgrims. Their venture in America helped create a unique holiday that is now celebrated in different parts of the country.

The second Monday of October also recognized the Thanksgiving holiday because of its historical importance. The history of thanksgiving day as we know it today evolved from the efforts of settlers to share the bounty of nature with their fellow men.

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