Chafing Remedies – Home Remedies for Chafed Skin
This article is about chafing and chafing remedies, and we include several home remedies for chafed skin. What is the best chafing treatment? Chafing rash on the groin and inner thighs is treated with the following therapies:. Read on for chafing causes, symptoms, and prevention. When it comes to treating newly chafed thighs, more than […]
Mashed Cauliflower Paleo – Healthy Mashed Cauliflower Recipes For Paleo Dieters
Healthy mashed cauliflower recipes are a great standby for those on a Paleo Diet. Read on and we will explain why. Have you ever had a good, fresh head of cauliflower in your mouth, and wished you could share that with the world? If so, you are part of a tiny minority that belongs to […]
Crepey Skin on Neck and Face – How to Get Rid With The Best Lotions and Moisturizers
Do you have crepey skin on your neck and face as well or just your arms? If so, we have the answers on how to, as far as possible, get rid of unsightly loose skin, droop, and wrinkles using the best lotions, creams, serums, and moisturizers. What is crepey skin exactly? A skin that looks […]
The Low Carb Diet Reviews – Diets That Reduce Carbohydrates
A low carb diet reviews about the generic list of diets that reduce carbohydrates, refined sugar, and processed food in the diet, to reduce weight and reduce people’s reliance on diabetes medication. Putting your body into a state of ketosis requires your blood sugar levels to drop significantly, hence the fat loss. Read on for […]
The Pancreatic Stones Diet – Eating the Pancreas-Friendly Way
Read on to find out more about the Pancreatic Stones Diet. Eating in a Pancreas-friendly way should be the aim of all. But if it’s too late for that the Pancreatic Stones Diet is still your best option, as we explain below. Recovering through your diet A pancreas-friendly diet is high in protein from lean […]
What Causes a Toothache to Come and Go? Answering the Biggest Puzzle of a Toothache!
We wanted to know what causes a toothache to come and go, because we’ve all had them and sometimes they come real bad, and other times they go. We know we should have gone to the dentist when they come back badly! Read on to find out; “what causes a toothache to come and go”! […]
Rachael Ray Weight Loss – How She Put It On & Lost It!
Rachael Ray and weight reduction are being discussed a lot just recently, so we decided that we would introduce our readers to the tale of Rachael Ray (presenter of the television show of the exact same name) and her experience of weight gain. And, how by a quirk of fate then succeeded in achieving weight […]
Hannah Waterman: Weight Loss Diet and Exercise DVD
Hannah Waterman’s weight loss was seen as an example to us all when in 2010 she lost 3 stones and explained how to repeat her dieting technique and be a successful dieter, in a high-selling DVD. 10 years later we decided to update our original article on the subject. Read on to find out more […]
How to Lose Two Pounds a Week and How Many Calories to Cut
Starting with the first two pounds! I want to Lose 2 Pounds a week. No more than that simple amount. Just 2 lbs. How to Lose Two Pounds a Week The famous ‘expert’s opinion’ holds that the most you should lose in a week are one to two pounds. This is not entirely right; because […]
Can Subliminal Messages Really Change My Life?
Can Subliminal Messages Really Change My Life? It is a very relevant question, and our answer is yes, they certainly can, but not necessarily to your benefit. Change Your Life With Subliminal Messages! Read on! Subliminal messages are suggestions that are offered below the level of conscious awareness. They are messages that take the form […]