Waste Management
Home Compostable Standard Certification Scheme Helps People Compost More at Home
Has it ever struck you that, as an environmentally aware person who is keen on sustaining the environment and to act responsibly as a householder and citizen generally, there is a lot of packaging you use that probably could be safely composted in your yard/garden compost heap, but you are unsure which?
Problems with Plastic Waste Mount Up But Is the Case for Recycling Plastics Dubious?
In this article, we set ourselves the task of describing the many problems with plastic. How plastic waste mounts up. The solution might, at first sight, would appear to lie in recycling it. But is the case for recycling plastics a dubious one? So far, plastic waste recycling has not gone well at all! With […]
Food Waste Depackaging Equipment Industry Review
In this post, we round up the important topics and players in the Food Waste Depackaging Equipment and Separation Industry which provides organic waste processing technology for landfill waste diversion and recycling, while the energy is either: extracted as a renewable fuel in biogas plants unused, where the organic materials are aerobically composted. We also […]
Life Cycle Assessment of Carrier Bag Reuse – Which is Best?
Life Cycle Assessment of Supermarket Carrier Bags: The question of exactly what benefits do flow from all the personal hassles of always remembering to take a re-usable bag when visiting the shops, needs a clear answer.