Image text: "What Does a PMP Transcript Mean?".

What Exactly Does a PMP Transcript Mean? Project Management Professional Training

In this article, we explain what exactly we mean by a “PMP transcript“, with reference to Project Management Professional training. PMP training is well worth the effort because it can raise your career to the next level and increase your employability in the IT business by several grades. The qualification is offered by the Project Management Institute of the USA and is highly respected. This article is provided to help students pass their IT certification exams quickly and easily.

The PMP Transcript

As those of you who have taken the PMP will know, the score of the PMP only shows whether you have passed or not, and the report card is a colourful pie chart.

Many people can't understand what it means. The 200 questions on the PMP are divided into five process groups: Initiating, Planning, Executing, Monitoring, and Closing, with a proportion of 13%, 24%, 31%, 25% and 7%, respectively.

The PMP transcript will use four grades to reflect the performance status of the five process groups: Needs Improvement, Below Target, Target, and Above Target.

Image text: "What Does a PMP Transcript Mean?".

Example Transcripts:

The two transcripts in the figure below, and the one above, show the five process groups at the Above Target level, which is 5A. The graph below shows three of the process groups at Above Target and two of the process groups at Below Target, which is 3A2B. But neither report card knows exactly how many questions are correct.

It is important to be careful here because the four grades A\T\B\N are not A fixed number, but an interval or A range. Therefore, even with the same grade A, there is A possibility that two people will get different numbers right.

The PMI association does not disclose the number of correct answers. For example, if 26 out of 200 questions are in the priming process group, how would the priming process group get an A? If the proportion of this A is to answer the question of 85% above correctly, namely the 85% of 26 questions, namely 22 questions above can get A word, this A corresponds to a variety of accurate figures. The same is true of A for other process groups.

In this way, it is not difficult to understand that even if two candidates with the same score in each process group, the number of correct questions may be very different or even very different. For example, the number of correct questions answered by candidate A reaches the upper limit of a certain grade, while the number of correct questions by candidate B is only the lower limit of the grade.

PMP Grades Measures : “Attributes” and “Variables”

Candidates should note that the PMP ultimately measures “attributes” (i.e., how good or bad your quality is) rather than “variables” (where your quality fits into the overall distribution of your test scores), although “variables” are the basis on which to judge “attributes.” If candidates have understood “attribute sampling” and “variable sampling” in the PMBOK guide “Quality Management”, they will have an easy time understanding the PMP test report card. In addition to the overall results (Pass or Fail) are meaningful, each part of the grade is only a reference value, only to let the examinee know their strengths and weaknesses.


To sum up, the PMP transcript only gives the examiners an overall understanding of your five process groups. It does not tell the examiners how many questions each process group got right.

That for the examinee preparing for the exam, how to grasp whether they can pass the exam? There are a total of 200 multiple-choice (one of four) questions in the PMP, of which 25 experimental questions are not graded (i.e. whether a candidate is right or wrong does not affect his score).

PMP Certification Manual – Pass Line

The PMP certification manual does not promise any specific pass line, but only states that the pass line for all PMI certification exams is determined by good psychometric analysis. We can think of “psychological test analysis” as a statistical method to determine the passing score so that the results of the various tests are better comparable.

So 61% is an approximate pass line.

So we usually take the 200 questions, 25 of which are not graded, and the remaining 175, we need to get 61% of the answers right, which is 106 of the 175.

And notice here, instead of getting 106 right on 200 questions, you get 106 right on 175 questions. To prevent the most pessimistic scenario, where the 25 questions that are not graded are all of the questions that you got right, we generally ask you to get 131 right on 200 questions. Students preparing for the exam, the usual simulation test is stable at more than 131, then it is no problem to pass the exam.

If you have more questions about the PMP test, please visit our site: to consult.

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