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How to Conceive a Boy Normally

How To Conceive A Boy – 4 Expert Tips to Have A Baby Boy

Fertile days for you to conceive a baby boy are calculated for you when you use one of the apps available online, but there is a lot more to it than that!  Read on and we'll explain how to conceive a baby boy in different ways and have no doubt about it, the task can be great fun. Nowadays, families are smaller due to social and economic pressures and there is no doubt that most couples would prefer to have children of both gender. We see no harm in that!

How to conceive a boy

To conceive a boy, proponents of the “boy diet” folk tale say to focus your diet on red meat, fish, pasta, fresh fruit, white flour, and pasta. However, you should avoid eating foods such as yogurt, cheese, shellfish, and nuts, says BabyCenter.Co.Uk.

Eat more food throughout the day

Eating breakfast every morning and having frequent small snacks that contain the nutrients calcium, potassium, vitamins B-12, C, and E helps your body maintain higher levels of glucose and may increase your chances of having a boy, suggests a 2008 report from researchers at Oxford and the University of Exeter in England.

Are you wondering how to conceive a boy? If so, I’m sure you’re interested in knowing the various methods said to stack the odds in your favour, when it comes to conceiving a boy. This is also known as gender swaying. Various gender swaying theories have been around for decades. These theories aren’t guaranteed for success and aren’t always backed by science.

Mood swings and behavioural changes are common during pregnancy. This is mainly due to the raging hormonal changes in the body. However, one kind of behavioural changes indicates the gender of the baby conceived. If you are bold and aggressive during pregnancy, it is likely that you are carrying a baby boy.

How to conceive a boy – step by step

Dr. Bryan Levey answered. The day of ovulation: Does not affect the sex of the child. 0. A 56-year-old member asked: How to tell older kids my new wife is pregnant?. Dr. Stephen Pappachen answered. Just tell them: you did fine right now. 1 doctor agrees. A 45-year-old female asked: How do I conceive for a baby boy?

If you want to further explore the natural ways to conceive a baby boy I’d suggest that you pick one of the books which provide exact steps to take to conceive a baby of a specific gender. Here are a few: Pick the gender of your baby by Ashley Spencer is one book available. “How to Choose the Sex of your Baby”, by Landrum B is another.

Image is thumbnail of a rare autoplay; encrypted-media.If you are really want to have a baby boy, read the ebook on how to get pregnant with a boy that teaches you step-by-step how to conceive a boy. When a friend of mine wanted to conceive a boy, I recommended the “How-to Get Pregnant with a Boy” ebook, explaining her best chances of conceiving male offspring. There are point-by-point, step-by-step instructions available online on how to conceive a boy naturally, and fast. Take care to view them with a pinch of salt and always check reliable sources before embarking on any instructions. Do this before trying them out.

The “How to get pregnant with a boy” ebook we saw recently clearly explains what to eat and what not to eat. Also described is: when and how to have sex when trying to conceive a boy, and much more. It will help you and support you in this attempt and be successful.

How to conceive a boy #1: Sex positions

Ask doctors free. How to get pregnant with twins boy and girl. Sex positions to conceive a girl naturally. Prayer to conceive twins. The best position to conceive twins. Monochorionic diamniotic twins can be a boy and a girl. How to change your diet to conceive a boy. Alkaline foods to conceive a boy. Vinegar douche to conceive a girl.

The best thing a man can do to conceive a boy is to support his partner in terms of the food she eats, understanding the Shettles’ method, waiting until the time is right to have sex, and understanding sexual positions really explained here.

However, it is believed that when a man drinks coffee before sex, the sperm with y (male) chromosomes become more active.

You might have also heard people say that your sex positions determine the gender of your baby. They say that having sex in doggy style or with the woman on top increases the chances of having a boy. This is absolutely wrong. Do not believe in any such tips about how to conceive a boy.

How to conceive a boy #2: What foods to eat to conceive a boy

  • Green smoothies go a long way when planning how to conceive a baby boy.
  • Male-producing sperm thrives in an alkaline environment, so create it for them by following a healthy diet: Have a fresh green smoothie daily.
  • Eat loads of alkaline fruits and veggies.
  • Avoid processed foods and sugar.
  • According to a study mentioned by WebMD , it was found that mums-to-be who enjoyed breakfast cereal and potassium-rich diets tend to conceive baby boys.

I briefly mentioned it while I was pregnant but apparently, there are lots of “myths” out there on how to conceive a boy or a girl such as:

  • foods you eat,
  • position during conception,
  • position of the moon, etc etc etc.

While we didn’t try all the things, we did try the one that was the most scientific.

How to conceive a boy #3: The best time to conceive a baby boy after periods

In years gone by, this situation hardly arose as families were generally much larger and so the chances of having children of both genders naturally increased with each pregnancy.

How to conceive a boy is to choose an enhanced and best time to conceive a baby boy after periods.

How to conceive a baby boy naturally

You do not need to carry out difficult calculations and take the difficult temperature measurements to know how to have a boy. There is a simple, yet effective tool found on numerous websites that deal with fertility and motherhood. The ovulation calculator will help you know the best time to conceive a baby boy after periods.

How to conceive a boy #6: The Babydust Method can help you to have a baby boy

The Babydust method is a more recent book on the market. Couples wanting to know how to conceive a boy need to read this book!. The Babydust Method, written by Kathryn Taylor, claims to be based on the latest, scientific research and has a host of raving fans. Kathryn has a bachelor of science in microbiology, immunology, and molecular genetics.

How to conceive a boy – references:

If you have tried these tips on how to conceive a boy without success, you can always consider adoption.

References. Shettles LB. Nuclear morphology of human spermatozoa. Nature 1960;186: 648-9. [pubmed]. Moruzzi jf, Wyrobek aj, Mayall BH, Gledhill BL. Quantification, and classification of human sperm morphology by computer-assisted image analysis. Fertil Steril 1988; 50: 142-52.

How to Conceive a Boy or Girl Baby at Conception

A baby's sex is determined at the time of conception. However, as we learned with tips to conceive a baby girl, there are few changes you could adopt which could increase your chances. Some are rooted in myth, but other tips are based around helping “boy sperm” past the finish line first (so to speak).

Ever wish there was a scientifically proven way to influence the sex of your baby-to-be? There may be, actually! According to research, what Mom eats around the time of conception can influence the gender of her baby to be! Cool. Huh!?

Tips on how to conceive a boy

Your determination is admirable if you have reached this part and still hoping for some tips on how to conceive twins baby boy. It will be a waste to leave you unsatisfied so here are some ways for you to increase your chance of having twins. Again, as a caveat, there is no solid medical evidence that actually supports the following claims.

Follow these tips on how to conceive a baby boy. With these details in mind, here are some tips you can try if you plan to start or expand your family with a baby boy in mind. Also: for exclusive access to a range of parenting, health, child development articles, and advice, download the Asian parent app for free.

Planning pregnancy. Confirm that you are pregnant. Pregnancy from conception to birth. Pregnancy plus. What we update every day to keep you up to date. A little explanation on how to conceive a boy:. This app is for women who are trying to conceive a baby, to get pregnant. You can find many great tips on how to behave to get pregnant, what to do and what will not get pregnant and have a healthy pregnancy.

How to Conceive A Boy Using The Shettles Method

If you’re wanting to know how to conceive a boy, you may have heard of the “Shettles method”. Dr. Landrum Shettles , author of the best selling book, how to choose the sex of your baby, believes male and female sperm have a number of key differences. Through research, dr. Shettles reported finding male sperm to be weaker, smaller, and faster than female sperm.

Written by Hannah Rice Myers. 18 April, 2017. More than 25 years ago, Dr. Landrum shettles devised a method that was meant to help couples conceive the gender of their choice; it is still being practiced today 2. He claims that couples who take his advice and practice his techniques will experience a 75-percent success rate with conceiving a boy, however, there are studies that state otherwise.

When we look at the statistics the chances of having a boy or a girl are almost the same and there’s no medical evidence to suggest we can influence this. You may, however, have heard about the ‘Shettles method’. In the 1970s Dr. Shettles found that female and male sperm had different characteristics. He believed that identifying these differences would help couples to try to conceive a boy or a girl.

The Original Article was Posted  on Jan 22, 2012:

How to Conceive a Boy Normally

If you would like to understand how to conceive a boy, you should take note of the ovulation period. This can be the stage exactly where the egg has left the ovary and travel via the fallopian tube to stay in the uterus even though waiting for a sperm to fertilize it. It's a truth that the male sperm will determine the gender in the baby. Nonetheless, determining your exact ovulation will help boost your probabilities of conceiving a baby boy. At this time, it would be great to follow these tips if you want to understand how to have a boy.

To know how to have a boy, you should have sexual contact with your partner on the day of ovulation and not much more than 12 hours following you ovulate. Then, you will have greater probabilities of getting a boy should you monitor the pH balance of the physique and your vaginal fluids also. Male sperm cannot live in an extremely acidic atmosphere that it really is required to lower the acidity. You are able to help control the pH degree of your body by changing your diet plan. Eat foods wealthy in sodium and potassium like bananas and salty foods.

Don't take foods high in acids such as milk, yogurt, and other dairy goods. You might also employ douching to help lower the natural pH of the vagina but be sure you consult your medical practitioner 1st prior to performing so.

Yet another tip that's useful on how to have a boy is always to know which positions to use. Since the male sperm is weaker, it requires a position that allows deeper penetration to help the male sperm swim to the uterus easily. Reaching your climax is also useful in creating a son. A woman’s orgasm will help pull the sperm closer to the egg and boost the opportunity of getting a male sperm reach the egg. You might also use supplements on how to have a boy to boost the top quality of cervical mucus and facilitate the conception of a boy than a girl.

In addition to these, the father has also something to do in knowing how to have a boy. He should refrain from hot showers if you are preparing to have a boy. Hot water could minimize the capacity of the male sperm to live. It's also useful to help keep the testicles cooler to ensure much more male sperm is made. He can do this by wearing boxers rather than briefs. Boxers allow much more airflow between the legs keeping the testicles and the sperm cooler. A caffeinated drink is also useful on how to have a boy. He should drink a cup of coffee prior to sexual contact to boost the energy in the male sperm to reach the egg.

If you would like to discover much more about pregnancy in general, you might go to the lively blog for all Mum' and Dad's to be.

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