Elliot James

Featured image with the text: "Problems with Plastic Waste Mount Up".

Problems with Plastic Waste Mount Up But Is the Case for Recycling Plastics Dubious?

In this article, we set ourselves the task of describing the many problems with plastic. How plastic waste mounts up. The solution might, at first sight, would appear to lie in recycling it. But is the case for recycling plastics a dubious one? So far, plastic waste recycling has not gone well at all! With […]

DMAE Cream

DMAE Cream – Is Face Lifting Necessarily Good for Your Skin?

News story about anti-ageing creams, and whether the claims made for them are wholly correct. Others have singled out DMAE cream in their headlines…

Image publicizes green energy in Scotland

Green Energy in Scotland – Leads the UK with Red Tape Slashed

Organisations with public buildings and businesses suitable for installing solar panels, and heat pumps etc, will soon be able to go ahead and generate energy, without requiring planning permission