Image shows a lab for production of CBD Cyber Monday promo products.

CBD Cyber Monday: How to Source the Best Cannabis Oil Products Online

Oh, yes! Cyber Monday is on its way and that only means one thing: “specials and discounts on all your favorite products!” If you are a CBD product lover, like many of us are, then you’ll find a lot of therapeutic cannabinoid products on sale this coming Cyber Monday.

Image shows an arrangement of leaves for a CBD cyber Monday promotion.Shopping online can be a lot of fun, but having too many options can also send you down a swirling rabbit hole. Browsing around on the web for the best CBD products can be confusing and exhilarating all at once. To avoid buying products you won’t enjoy (or worse, not buying products you might benefit from), you can follow our Cyber Monday CBD product guide.

Sourcing the best cannabis oil products can send you to loads of different sites. It’s important that you find a dispensary that value quality, product variety, and customer service. While giving you excellent opportunities to save a few bucks. Why don’t you click for more information on excellent saving opportunities?

Here is a list of our favorite CBD oil and cannabis products that you can consider adding into your cart:


Tinctures usually come in little glass vases with droppers and are consumed orally. Even though they don’t contain cannabidiol like CBD oil products, they do have an alcohol base. Regardless of this difference, tinctures have therapeutic properties that relieves stress, pain, anxiety, and inflammation.

The liquid can be placed underneath the tongue, put against the cheek, or swallowed. It is absorbed directly into the bloodstream after consumption. The bioavailability rate of most high-quality tinctures is between 4-20%. This rate is quite low, but is perfect for beginners.

A 100mg dose will take between 1-5 hours to be absorbed, either into the bloodstream or through the intestines and walls of the stomach. It will last at least 5 days in your system.  To ensure you purchase a high-quality tincture and other CBD products online, you should research how the brand extracted the oil from the cannabis plant.

Check out different high quality processes of extracting oil from the cannabis plant here:

Image displays Team Monday Hashtag in rediness for Cber Monday and a CDB promotion.
Watch out for this hashtag for CBD Cyber Monday offers!


There was a time when users would make their own CBD-infused food. This was done by cooking the weed plant in normal cooking oil and then using the oil to bake cookies or brownies. Luckily, you don’t have to go to any of those lengths anymore. Consumers can purchase a wide variety of CBD-infused edibles online.

The bioavailability of most edibles is averaged at 6% and they take between 2-4 hours to be absorbed into the bloodstream. Effects from one high-quality cannabinoid cookie can last up to 5 days.

When buying edibles, you should consider the cannabinoid content of each serving. Recommended daily dosage is 25 milligrams, which means you can have either one big brownie worth 25 milligrams, or 5 cookies of 5 milligrams each.

Remember, there is a big difference in hemp edibles vs marijuana edibles. In order to purchase the right kind of edibles for you, understand the difference between hemp and marijuana. 

Vaping and Smoking

Many smokers have kicked cigarettes to the curb and exchanged it for vaping. Vaping allows the user to inhale vaporized oils directly into the lungs using a vaporizer, vape pen, or e-cigarette.

CBD vapor has become very popular since its bioavailability rate can be as high as 56%. It’s also one of the most effective ways of getting cannabinoid into the bloodstream and directly to the ECS. Effects are almost instant with a kick-in time of 5-10 seconds. Even though the absorption is pretty fast, the effects only last for up to 3 hours.

Users can vape a mixture of CBD oil and conventional vaping liquids, or vape a clean cannabinoid oil. It is highly recommended that beginners start off with a 250mg vape oil. Not inhaling more than 3 times every other half an hour.

Other fun products include topicals and creams, gummies and candy, as well as CBD-infused alcoholic drinks.

Because CBD products only hold great benefits, you won’t experience any serious side effects. This gives you the opportunity to fill your cart with loads of Cyber Monday cannabis oil products that you want to try out in the future.

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Affiliate Declaration: We like to be totally open about the fact that this website is supported financially by Affiliate Links. If you buy any product we may receive a percentage as an affiliate payment. Should you be concerned that our reviews and descriptions be biased by this fact we would like to reassure you that all the products we recommend are always our honest opinion, used and tested by us or our partners to comply with a high standard of value. That we can make no undertaking that should you buy any product it will bring you value or make you a profit, is simply due to the fact that we don't know you. Every buyer has a different level of skill in using a product and will apply the product in a different way.
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    • Noah Martin
    • November 9, 2020

    Awesome! Sourcing the best cannabis oil products can send you to loads of different sites and many are frankly of dubious merit to say the least. It’s important that you find a dispensary that value quality, product variety, and customer service, while giving you excellent opportunities to save a few bucks. Also visit this site that sells 100% legal cannabis products online. [Link was removed because there was no website found at that Domain.]

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