Steve Evans

Image shows anaerobic digestion concept for Paques ice cream effluent.

Anaerobic Digestion Process Used on Effluent from a Ben & Jerry’s (Unilever) Ice Cream Factory

Construction has started on an anaerobic digestion bio-digester at a Ben & Jerry’s ice cream factory in Hellendoorn, the Netherlands. The bio-digestion process, is uniquely green process.

Life cycle assessment of carrier bag reuse - featured image.

Life Cycle Assessment of Carrier Bag Reuse – Which is Best?

Life Cycle Assessment of Supermarket Carrier Bags: The question of exactly what benefits do flow from all the personal hassles of always remembering to take a re-usable bag when visiting the shops, needs a clear answer.

Home Compostable Certification Scheme.

‘Home Compostable’ Certification Scheme Helps People Compost More at Home

Has it ever struck you that, as an environmentally aware person who is keen on sustaining the environment and to act responsibly as a householder and citizen generally, there is a lot of packaging you use that probably could be safely composted in your yard/garden compost heap, but you are unsure which?

Don't underestimate the power of Yoga to keep senior citizens active.

Life Expectancy in US Stays Below Record High of 2014

Life expectancy in the US has risen to a new high of 78 years and 2 months, according to statistical analysis released by the Centers for Disease and Control, for 2009.

Michael Phelps diet article thumbnail.

The Michael Phelps Diet – Is it for you?

On This Page The Michael Phelps Diet – The Pasta, the Energy Drinks, and the Myth The Phelps diet challenge Michael Phelps Diet Michael’s Diet Plan – No More Binge Eating The Michael Phelps Diet The Average Person Won’t Ever Need All the Calories of a Michael Phelps The Michael Phelps Diet – The Pasta, […]

Biofuel producing enzymes

Enzymatic Biofuel Cell Uses Enzyme Found in Cow Stomachs

Biofuel Producing Enzyme Found in Cow Stomachs has yielded an important secret to researchers, which will help farmers produce biofuel (ethanol) which can be easily turned into biodiesel, more efficiently in future and from non-food crops.

Illustration to the facts about pizza and nutrition.

Facts About Pizza and Nutrition – Easy and Simple Diet Facts to Answer Recent Press Publicity

Pizza and nutrition – tasty but is it good nutrition? If you are like me you like pizza. I would like to eat pizza a lot! So, what does the sensible person think about eating pizza from the point of view of pizza and nutrition?