
Image with the text: "7 best non toxic cleaning products for UK homes."

Top 7 Best Non-Toxic Cleaning Products for UK Homes

Our choice of the 7 best non-toxic cleaning products for UK home use. In many UK homes, the quest for a cleaner, healthier living space often clashes with concerns about the chemicals found in traditional cleaning products. From allergic reactions to worries about environmental harm, the drawbacks of conventional cleaners are pushing more people towards greener […]

Reflective bird deterrent review featured image.

Reflective Bird Deterrent Review – Bird B Gone Reflective Eye Bird Diverters

Read our Bird B Gone Reflective Eye Bird Diverters (Set of 5) review: Does this product act as a bird deterrent and if so, is it worth your money? Introduction: The Bird B Gone Reflective Eye Bird Diverters are designed to help maintain the serenity of your outdoor spaces by deterring pest birds. With their […]

Featured image with the text: "Problems with Plastic Waste Mount Up".

Problems with Plastic Waste Mount Up But Is the Case for Recycling Plastics Dubious?

In this article, we set ourselves the task of describing the many problems with plastic. How plastic waste mounts up. The solution might, at first sight, would appear to lie in recycling it. But is the case for recycling plastics a dubious one? So far, plastic waste recycling has not gone well at all! With […]

Image text: "Food Waste depackaging equipment industry review".

Food Waste Depackaging Equipment Industry Review

In this post, we round up the important topics and players in the Food Waste Depackaging Equipment and Separation Industry which provides organic waste processing technology for landfill waste diversion and recycling, while the energy is either: extracted as a renewable fuel in biogas plants unused, where the organic materials are aerobically composted. We also […]

Testing for radon

Testing for Radon Gas Described as Largest Environmental Killer USEPA

EPA’s most recent health risk assessment estimates that 20,000 lung cancer deaths each year are due to radon. It is a problem when it seeps from the ground into homes through cracks in floors, walls and foundations.

Featured image text: "What are the Everglades?"

What are the Everglades? The National Park and Attractions

What are the Everglades? It has been called the largest flood plain in the United States. The area covers approximately half of Florida, stretching from Fort Lauderdale to Miami. It is named after a natural body of water known as the Everglades. It is part of the National Parks System. The Everglades are a subtropical […]

Featured image text: "Why buy environmentally sustainable shoes?"

Environmentally Friendly Shoes? Why Buy Them

If you’re on the market for new footwear, why not try environmentally friendly shoes. With sneakers, flats, heels, and other designs available, there’s a style on the market that’s right for you. You don’t need to give up style and comfort in order to become a friend of the Earth. Minimize your environmental footprint with […]

Image shows anaerobic digestion concept for Paques ice cream effluent.

Anaerobic Digestion Process Used on Effluent from a Ben & Jerry’s (Unilever) Ice Cream Factory

Construction has started on an anaerobic digestion bio-digester at a Ben & Jerry’s ice cream factory in Hellendoorn, the Netherlands. The bio-digestion process, is uniquely green process.

CC BY by brownpau

Benefits of Hemp Hearts – The New Trending Health Food

Hemp Hearts have many benefits and are the new Trending Health Food. What are Hemp Hearts? They are shelled hemp seeds and they are increasingly being recommended by health care professionals and are especially useful for older individuals with chronic health problems. They sold in increasing quantities through health food stores and online through such […]

Life cycle assessment of carrier bag reuse - featured image.

Life Cycle Assessment of Carrier Bag Reuse – Which is Best?

Life Cycle Assessment of Supermarket Carrier Bags: The question of exactly what benefits do flow from all the personal hassles of always remembering to take a re-usable bag when visiting the shops, needs a clear answer.